Is Your Checkout Afraid of Hitting Its Head
Is Your Checkout Afraid of Hitting Its Head My son did swimming sports yesterday. He was doing well until, whilst doing back stroke, he cruised at the end because he was afraid of hitting his head on the wall. He only races once a year and he really isn’t bothered about where he places. But, […]
What Body Swapping Tells Us About Ecommerce
What Body Swapping Tells Us About Ecommerce I seem to really like body swap movies. You know those movies like Tom Hanks ‘Big’, ‘Vice Versa’ or more recently ‘The Change Up’, ‘Jumanji’ etc. where they use a genie or magic to accidentally to swap bodies. Comedy ensues – perhaps we all hanker a desire to […]
10 Google Shopping Custom Fields to Accelerate Your Results
10 Google Shopping Custom Fields to Accelerate Your Results As google becomes more and more driven by an increasingly intelligent Machine Learning algorithm, success becomes less about changes made in the AdWords account and more about the product feed and the data going in. One of the best ways to give Google more data is […]
What Cialdini Taught Me About Adwords & Ecommerce
What Cialdini Taught Me About Adwords & Ecommerce Today I want to share with you my ‘offer’ and copywriting checklist. It’s built around many of the experiments that legendary Influence professor Robert Cialdini wrote about in his book’s. I use this list when I am trying to increase the conversion rate of an AdWords client […]
Shameless Cloning In Ecommerce
Monhish Pabrai is one of my favourite investors, apart from having an amazing track record at investing he rose to fame as one of the first people to buy a charity lunch with Warren Buffet for $650,000 USD. He said the lunch was worth every penny. One of Monhish’s favourite concepts is cloning and he […]
Black Box Thinking In Ecommerce
I have just finished the book ‘Black Box Thinking’ by Matthew Syed An employee sent it to me as he thought I’d like it. I did, and it sums up a lot of my thoughts around why some ecommerce sites do or don’t grow. The book is about failure and how we often conceal failure […]
Latest killer marketing technique is for growing
People always ask me what the latest killer marketing technique is for growing their ecommerce business. What app should they be using, what social proof device is hot etc. But in the hunt for the new and shiny many of these store owners forget to do the simple stuff Why? Because […]
If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop

If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop Warren Buffett’s biography ‘The Snowball’ shows that small beginnings can become huge. He started with a paper round and became the richest man in the world. It wasn’t all plain sailing. He bought Berkshire Hathaway which was a failing textile business and it was by his own admission a […]
The 12 Commandments of Ecommerce
Why 12? No idea. 10 would be biblical and 20 would be too much. Here you go. 1. Create a KPI plan for each month. Make sure you have targets for average order value, traffic, add to basket % and basket to order % each month. Otherwise how will you know how you went? 2. […]
The Ecommerce Thank You Campaign

People like to feel appreciated, this is clear. With ecommerce we tend to thank people after they buy on the order success page and in the order confirmation email. However, given that everyone does this customers don’t see it as they expect it. To convey our gratitude for their order we must go one step […]
A funny thing happened the other day

A funny thing happened the other day And it was VERY unexpected We were split testing a landing page and almost didn’t run the test because we are so sure. This was a business to business site and just expected to get more leads if we added logos of the clients that […]
Sun Tzu: “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”
Sun Tzu: “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” If you want to scale your Google Shopping Sales this quote is apt. Once you are in the Google Adwords interface most of the battle is already fought. What’s key is the product feed and the products in that feed. Google will push […]